Here are a few of the many pictures of our honeymoon in Kauai... finally! We absolutely loved everything about our honeymoon. It was so nice to get away from everything, especially school. It was Nick's first time to Hawaii and my first time to the island of Kauai- we had a great time exploring the island together!
Probably one of our most favorite parts of our honeymoon was staying in the Grand America in Salt Lake for two nights before we left for Kauai. Everything about the hotel is beautiful!

Picking up our bags at the airport after a LONG day of travel
Since we were staying on the Northshore, there was alot of rain and a little sunshine. But we loved it anyway. We were lucky to get a couple hours of sun on the beach!

The only downside of Kauai- ROOSTERS! They're everywhere. I used to think that roosters only made noise when the sun came up... but I was proved wrong. They especially like to be noisy in the wee hours of the morning when you're trying to sleep. And one other thing I learned: you can get fined $500 dollars if you kill one. I almost despise them as much as pigeons. haha.
On Wednesday we took a boat cruise tour down the Napali coast and it was absolutely amazing! Apparently we chose a great day to go, because the captain said he hasn't been able to get that close to the rocks for two months because the surf had been so high. We were only feet away from the cliffs- we loved it! 
We saw a whole "pod" of spinner dolphins. Unfortunately we couldn't get a really good picture of one jumping out of the water, but when they do, they spin! Hence the name. We got to watch them for at least 15 minutes- so cool! We also saw several whales out in the distance.. but just like the dolphins, we never got to snap a picture while one was jumping! 

On Thursday we spent the entire day lounging at the pool, which was wonderful of course. We stayed at the Hanalei Bay resort in Princeville and they have an AWESOME pool, complete with waterfalls. 
One of the most hilarious burger joints that I've ever been to. My personal favorite on the menu is the "double slopper." Sounds super appetizing.... ew!
Most of the time we were chasing the sun. We spent a lot of time driving to the southshore which is typically more sunny than Princeville. We found a great beach in Poipu... also where Nick got his first "bad" sunburn, resulting in peeling skin which he had never experienced. psh. I can't even count how many times I've been sunburned! 
The lighthouse near the north shore
One of our great finds was "secret beach." Lots of waves, great whale watching, and not very many people. It was great!

Our new favorite restaurant in Hanalei. Marissa and Dan and his parents gave us an awesome giftcard and it was seriously our favorite dinner of the entire week. They grow all of their own fruits, vegetables and herbs. Their fresh fish is wonderful! Postcards is highly recommended.

Here are a few views near our resort in Princeville. The views were stunning!

This was the view right outside of our front door- we got to see it everytime we left the condo!
After church on Sunday we drove to the west shore to Waimea Canyon. It's definitely unlike anything else I've ever seen and different than any other part of the island. But beautiful nonetheless.