Another bonus about being in Orlando- it attracts the family members! My mom, brothers Aaron and Scott, and Scottie's friend Taylor flew down to visit for a few days. Scott and Taylor came mostly for the wakeboarding park, but it was great to see them! We had a fun time watching the boys wakeboard at the park, playing at the beach, shopping, and hanging out with our friends, the Larsens, from Utah who actually live just a few minutes away. I'm sure my dad will make it here eventually- he was working hard, flying to Tokyo and Guam. Tough life. :)
My family tends to take a lot of these pictures.
The last-minute-just-to-prove-we-were-here-all-together kinds of pictures.
And yes, they're always taken just before we go to the airport
And yes, the camera is always on the timer setting. In this case, set on the car door.
But hey, it works!
The boys at the Larsen's house, launching off Scott's water rocket... just before we drove to Port Canaveral to watch the real thing... which we didn't actually get to watch. ha!
The beginnings of our sand castle. When Aaron decides to build a sand castle- he builds a big one! Oh yeah, another bonus about being in Orlando- it's close to the beach!

The final touches before the storm came- hence, no shuttle launch. But the beach time was totally worth the trip!

Scottie and Taylor at OWC

Aaron and I at OWC watching the boys at the "pro" park

Scott was so nice to take us all boating (sans Nicholas- he's such a hard worker). But it was awesome to see all of the HUGE houses along Lake Butler and the other houses in Windermere... including the Temple! Such a great sight to see while boating.

We got to go through eerie/jurassic-park-looking canals that connect all the lakes

Like I said- HUGE houses

Shaq's house- according to the wikipedia, it's over a football field long. I definitely believe them.
Lead singer of Creed's house
One of Tiger Wood's houses

And last but not least, my "Family" post wouldn't be complete without mentioning my brother-in-law Casey. He moved to Naples just a couple months ago for law school, but comes up to Orlando every Friday to work in the temple. The first weekend he visited was the 4th of July and we spent our after-fireworks party at Joe's Crab Shack. The Potter brothers LOVED their steam pot of crab, shrimp, and most of all- sausage. (Ew. I hate sausage). But they were in heaven- bibs and all.
The fireworks show in Celebration Town- probably one of my favorite places in Orlando!