Well, it's almost midterms and it still seems like we're trying to find our "groove" for the school year -- hence, the grim blog posts. However, here are some of biggest life events lately:
Nick has been super busy this semester since he joined BYU's ROTC. He hasn't "officially" signed with the military yet, but he thought he would try it out this semester because they offer some great dental scholarships. He's been going to physical training about three times a week at 6 am. As you know, I'm definitely not a morning person, so most of the time I don't even realize that he leaves in the morning. However, I'm assuming he enjoys it or else he couldn't have the motivation to go every morning :) haha.
Ironically, the job market for me over the past nine months seems like it has either been feast or famine. For some reason, over the past month I've been offered three new jobs! I only kept one of the BYU jobs that I was offered because the have a policy that you can't work more than 20 hours on campus per week. I interviewed for a position as a Student Ambassador for the BYU Comms Department last September -- but they emailed me a few weeks ago letting me know of an opening for a paid position. It's only a few hours a week, but we get to do a lot of fun event planning and alumni outreach.
Nick has been with OrangeSoda pretty much ever since it was established a few years ago -- he took a break for about a year for summer sales, but has been working there ever since September. He heard of a job opening in their SEO department last week and had me send in my resume. I met with them for an interview last week and got an offer letter this Wednesday! I started work on Friday and realized that I will actually be seeing Nick more now that we both have jobs than when we didn't. haha.
But, the best news of the month -- we leave on our cruise a week from today! Vacations are always much more exciting when "normal" life gets really hectic. We will actually be on the exact same ship that my family and I were on six years ago when we went on our first cruise. I'm pretty much counting down the hours...

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